Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Days 5-8: Moving Forward while Standing Still

Distance Traveled: 0
Distance Traveled to Date: 2.03 miles

OK, so I haven’t made any calorie-burning progress since last week…but at least I have made a significant step toward reaching my first employment milestone. Sort of.

Maybe I should start from the top.

I suppose this blog’s gimmick – a synergy of stories about working out and working to find work – isn’t all that exciting. Sue me. But what I lack in captive ideas, I no doubt make up for with mildly amusing anecdotes, parenthetical self-interruptions (because I’m cool like that) and an endless cavalcade of short, grammatically flawed sentences. Best. Blog. Idea. Ever.


Anyway, I’ve been sending off resumes like a mo-fo, but that’s not why you’re still reading (no one is still reading? Shit). While ridiculously drunk at a Superbowl party, I exchanged a series of e-mails with a contact who wants to meet to discuss the possibility of me doing some contract grant writing for his agency. Well, it’s not really an agency…but for the sake of this blog post (and my not wanting to jinx anything by being too forthcoming about details), let’s just call it that and leave it alone.

We are meeting for lunch tomorrow, which means I’ll likely have to shave (for the first time since getting fired) and shower (for the sixth time since getting fired). I’m usually not too fond of personal grooming, but in this economy, I suppose we all have to make sacrifices. I don’t like to brag, but I’m pretty much the Gandhi of unemployment blog writers. Shit, I’ve only had Chipotle thrice in the past week!

No matter what the result is tomorrow, I will be sure to update my ones and ones of followers with details (to the extent with which my prospective employer feels comfortable). And I’ll probably even jump on the old elliptical too!

Or maybe I’ll sleep in, bask in my own body odor and order some Chipotle (fajita burrito with chicken, medium salsa, cheese, guac and lettuce – in case you’re making a run).

1 comment:

  1. No more chipotle!! What is Marni for if not to cook you amazing meals?! ;)

