Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Message from Above

Distance Traveled to Date: 3.10 miles

For someone without a job, I have to admit, I’m a pretty lucky sonofabitch.

After yesterday’s admittedly depressing entry, I received a number of e-mails and calls from friends concerned about my state of mind and encouraging me to keep grinding. Wow. Who knew people were reading…and actually cared?

I should admit to two things: first, I was never as down as my tone implied. I know this is a marathon and I never really considered giving up just because my job leads had slowed down. But also…I needed a fresh angle yesterday and the whole “pity party” thing seemed like it might get me somewhere. The lesson, I suppose, is don’t trust an artist’s alleged pain.

That’s right, I just called myself an artist.

But the other lesson I learned is that many of you feel like you have a stake in my job search. Some of you were understandably worried for my mental health, but others empathized because they too had been (or are) unemployed and know what a drain it is (financially and emotionally). Thank you to everyone who reached out…and to those of you who even thought about reaching out. Frankly, I’m lucky that you’re even reading; that some people took action is icing on the cake.

(I don’t know if that was the real God who posted a comment – like faux-celebrities on Twitter, it could have been an impostor. But thanks anyway, Big Man.)

I’m happy to report that my delayed interview has been officially rescheduled for next Thursday…and that I have a phone interview for another job this Friday. But I’m even happier to report that I’m still here, still pushing and still coming up with new excuses to not work out.

At least you can always count on me for that.


  1. Good Afternoon! This is God...sorry about the misleading message yesterday.

    I thought I was writing in somebody else's blog....there are just so many nowadays.

    My bad

  2. Hey, God! Did you mean to visit my blog? You can find it by clicking my name to the left.
