Thursday, February 25, 2010

I’m Sick of the Waiting Game (Let’s Play Hungry Hungry Hippos)

Distance Traveled to Date: 3.10 Miles

That interview? Supposed to be today, after being originally scheduled for last week? Yeah…it was postponed again. Rescheduled for tomorrow morning. The executive director couldn’t fly in to Chicago last night, and with bad weather in New York, isn’t it almost inevitable that the interview will get pushed back again? I’m awash with optimism…

Stay tuned, friends…


  1. BREAKING NEWS: her flight out tonight was canceled. She's on a 7am flight tomorrow and hopefully can meet with me by noon. That's yet another postponement...

  2. A letter for you to use during your search in case you don't get a position you apply for. Best of luck.

    Dear ......,

    Thank you for your letter rejecting my application for employment with
    your firm.

    I have received rejections from an unusually large number of well
    qualified organizations. With such a varied and promising spectrum of
    rejections from which to select, it is impossible for me to consider
    them all. After careful deliberation, then, and because a number of
    firms have found me more unsuitable, I regret to inform you that I am
    unable to accept your rejection.

    Despite your company’s outstanding qualifications and previous
    experience in rejecting applicants, I find that your rejection does
    not meet with my requirements at this time. As a result, I will be
    starting employment with your firm on the first of the month.

    Circumstances change and one can never know when new demands for
    rejection arise. Accordingly, I will keep your letter on file in case
    my requirements for rejection change.

    Please do not regard this letter as a criticism of your qualifications
    in attempting to refuse me employment. I wish you the best of luck in
    rejecting future candidates.

