Thursday, February 18, 2010

The People Have Spoken

Distance Traveled to Date: 3.10 Miles

A few days ago, I wrote about a job interview that was canceled because the interviewer could not get away from her work in New York. Because the recruiter with whom I’m working did not know when it could be rescheduled, I offered to fly to New York (trying to showcase my enthusiasm for the position and set myself apart from other candidates). Then, I had a flash of panic…fearing that my offer may have been perceived as more desperate than proactive.

To allay my fears, I posted a poll on this blog and the results have been compelling. As of this morning, 8 of the 9 voters agreed that my offer was a good one (the lone dissenter did not make his or her rationale known, either through commenting publicly or contacting me privately). My favorite voting explanation was delivered by one of my oldest friends, who intelligently concluded, “This isn’t dating…playing hard-to-get is just plain stupid.”

Thank you to everyone who voted, both for sharing your opinions and supporting my decision. I will be sure to include more voting options in the future, so long as I can guarantee that your votes will be in line with my opinions. You know…kind of like Fox News polls.

I wish I had more to report on the job front today, but alas, there have been no new developments. I’m looking forward to my phone interview tomorrow…even though I’m not entirely positive the job is perfect. It’ s still better than unemployment, right?


  1. I took a job that was less than perfect because I was unemployed. Although there have been a lot of ups and downs, I think it was actually a good career move. Much like a book, you can't always judge a job by its cover... or um, description? Good luck!

  2. Hey Matt:

    Here is my suggestion for snagging a J-o-b:
    go ahead and join LinkedIn, I think it is a good professional networking tool. I don't think it is going to get you that job per se but it has an awesome feature where you can search for people who are 2nd or 3rd degree contacts at a target company.

    So when you see a job opening, instead of just submitting to their site go ahead and see who you know at the firm and work through them. It helps immensely to have someone at the company personally invested in promoting you for a position.


  3. Also I forgot to mention-as a general guideline: recruiters suck.
